
Thom Street Construction Update

27 August 2024

The Municipality has received an updated work schedule from Scott Trudeau Construction for Thom Street. Below is the tentative schedule for the coming weeks:

The installation of sanitary, storm and water mains will continue throughout August and will tentatively be completed by the week of September 9.

The gravel roadway is being placed as each section of water and sewer mains have been laid.

Sanitary, Storm and Water services will be installed from the main to each resident’s property line as construction progresses past each residence.

Concrete curb installation is tentatively scheduled for the week of September 9th

Residents are responsible for covering the cost of replacing their water and sewer services from their property line to their homes. The Municipality encourages residents to reach out to Scott Trudeau Construction or a plumber/contractor of their choice for a quotation to complete these works. If residents choose to have their private services replaced, a building permit will be required. For building permit information please call 613-267-3311 ext.2222

We appreciate your patience and understanding on this construction project to date. Residents can continue to contact Noah Greer, Manager of Construction & Development Services, for further updates and questions as they arrive at:


Grant Machan, C.E.T.

Director of Environmental Services

80 Gore Street East

Perth, Ontario K7H 1H9

Phone: 613-267-3311 ext. 2233
