Project Background
The Thom Street infrastructure (water and sewer) was constructed in the 1920s and 1950s and has long outlived its service life. The street was identified for total reconstruction in 2022 within the Town’s Asset Management Plan.
The Thom Street Reconstruction Project will begin on Monday, May 27, 2024 and is anticipated to be completed by the mid-September 2024 (note: delays may occur due to weather and other circumstances).
Updates will be provided by hand-delivered notices to residents on Thom Street, regular updates via Block Captains, and on this page. Click the "follow" button to stay up-to-date on the project.

Final project design of Thom Street
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This project was already tendered and awarded for construction in the summer of 2024. Construction work will typically take around 12 weeks from beginning to end. Key dates can be found in the Project Timeline located on this page. You can also click the "Follow" button to be notified about updates to the project.
Thom Street will be constructed to a uniform curb-to-curb width of 7.4m to meet the minimum operating width for a local residential road. This width allows two for lanes of travel with a new curb and gutter along both sides of the road. The existing road will be adjusted accordingly, resulting in a straightened road with a uniform width. The existing concrete and asphalt sidewalk on the west side of the road will be replaced with a new concrete sidewalk with a width ranging from 2.4m to 1.5m.
Individual homes will be provided with temporary overland water services while watermain construction is carried out. Please use care around temporary water lines to protect them from damage.
Service will likely be disrupted for a short period of time when this system is first hooked up and when it is ultimately disconnected. The temporary water service is installed and maintained by Town of Perth staff. Any calls regarding this service should be directed to 613-267-1072 both during regular hours and after hours.
Water meters will be shut off during this period and all landowners will be charged a minimum flat rate for water consumption. Individual notifications will be sent out with temporary servicing details several weeks in advance of construction.
Water and sewer services will be completely replaced up to the property line for each property taking service from Thom Street. All water and sewer services within each private lot remain the responsibility of the homeowner.
Records remain vague regarding the exact date and age of the infrastructure in Thom Street. Based on material type alone, the water and sewer mains on this block are certain to be over 70 years old. Based on our condition assessments, this infrastructure has long outlasted its service life. Knowing the mains are due for replacement, the probability remains high that private sewer and water lines are also in need of replacement.
The Town of Perth will be assessing the condition of services during construction and will try to provide recommendations to homeowners where possible based on what is encountered "in the trench". Owners should keep in mind that planned plumbing work is always less costly than emergency repairs.
New storm sewer services will be installed up to the property line for each property. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to cover the cost of installing the storm service from the property line to the home. New storm sewers allow homeowners to disconnect sump pumps from the sanitary system and direct stormwater into the new storm sewer or onto the lawn of their property.
Regulations within the Sewer Discharges By-law #1969-2066 prohibit property owners from discharging foundation drains or roof drains into sanitary sewer services. If owners are presently in violation of this by-law, they should make plans to have these systems separated. Roof drains should be directed to the ground surface on each property away from the foundation of the home.
On-street parking will be prohibited within the construction area for the full duration of the contract. Due to the nature of the work being performed, on-street parking cannot be accommodated while excavation work is carried out. Traffic within the block will be restricted to local traffic during the construction of piped services and will be open to one-way traffic after buried services are complete. Residents will continue to have access to and from their properties, however, there may be short periods when individual access points are taken out of service.
Pedestrian corridors will be maintained during construction but may be restricted to one side or another.
Suppose the work on the street by the Contractor (Scott Trudeau Construction) impedes the Town's waste collection contractor from picking up garbage, recycling, and green bins on their regular route. In that case, the Contractor will work with the waste collector to arrange a designated area for bins to be set out, with bins returned to the correct property following collection. It's strongly recommended that residents write their name and address on their bins to ensure they return to the right place.
Residents who have flowers, shrubs, or irrigation works within the public boulevard should arrange to have these features removed prior to construction. All efforts will be made by the Town of protect existing trees within the work area, however some removals are anticipated. The Town of Perth will be contacting specific residents where tree removals are considered unavoidable.
The Town of Perth is looking forward to hearing from residents who are interested in having new trees planted in front of their lots. Each fall, the Town of Perth initiates a tree planting program and often directs a large portion of the plantings to improve streetscapes on newly constructed roads. Once requests are made, Town staff will do a careful review of underground and overhead utilities at each site in order to ensure that the plantings will not generate negative impacts (root intrusion, branches over roofs, etc).
The Rainbow Bridge pathway will remain open for most of the project, however, there may be short periods where interim closures may take place. Notices will be posted in advance.
It is anticipated that there will be blasting during construction. A third-party contractor will complete a comprehensive pre-blast survey of all the buildings in the working area. These reports will be held by the third-party contractor only; neither the Town nor the construction contractor will have access to these records unless a damage claim has been filed. Vibration monitoring devices will be installed in the working area to monitor seismic activity and notices will be provided to residents before any blasting activities take place.
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