Project Background

The Craig Street infrastructure (water and sewer) was constructed as early as the 1920s and has long outlived its service life. The street was identified for total reconstruction in 2025 within the Town’s Asset Management Plan.

The Craig Street Reconstruction Project is in the early planning stages. We anticipate that the project will start towards the end of May and conclude the end of September. More information, including timelines, will be released as they become available.

Updates will be provided by hand-delivered notices to residents on Craig Street, regular updates via Block Captains, and on this page. Click the "follow" button to stay up-to-date on the project.

Open House

Our Environmental Services staff and Engineering consultants hosted an Open House regarding the Craig Street Reconstruction Project on Thursday, Feb. 6. Attendees had the opportunity to review draft drawings of the proposed works, see summary comments on the proposed improvements, ask staff questions, and provid feedback.