
Cockburn Street Paving Notice

22 October 2024

Campbell’s Trucking under contract to the Town of Perth will be advancing with the paving of Cockburn Street commencing the week of October 21, 2024, with paving tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, October 23, 2024. During construction, access to Cockburn Street will be decreased will continue to be limited to emergency vehicles and local traffic only.

Due to the nature of the construction activity, there will be periods upon which the general public may experience some inconvenience. The municipality appreciates your patience while these construction activities take place and is requesting that residents refrain from using the street whenever possible in the following hours after the asphalt has been laid. This minor inconvenience will ensure the long-term quality of the work.

Questions? Contact us;

Attention: Noah Greer
Manager of Construction & Development Services
Telephone: (613) 267-3311 x2273